
Diet coke betrayal

You should have sent it back and got what you wanted. You'd be much less frustrated now!
13 years

Diet coke betrayal

Diet sodas contain ingredients that are harmful to some people. When a restaurant gives a diet soda to someone who asks for regular, they are opening themselves up to lawsuits. Not to mention the bad publicity and moral responsibilities to their customers.
13 years

Diet coke betrayal

was unlikely to be a drunken mistake given she ordered a regular coke for this other guy at the same time and is very obsessed with being thin.

Thats what I was wondering because I know sometimes when out, and this was when I was not even that fat my friends would get my diet red bull or whatevers just because thats what their getting for themselves, but yeah that sounds like she meant it as if you need to diet and what I dont understand is why would anyone get you something different from what you asked like diet drinks taste alot different, they are disgusting... like what next shell order your meal with salad instead of fries

its just rude in general
13 years

Diet coke betrayal

ahahah damn I thought I had finally figured out how to do that quote thing hahahah
13 years